If you have decided to become an affiliate marketer and are serious about your business, then you need the proper resources on how to learn affiliate marketing. This article will tackle ways on how you can do it.
I will be writing about several affiliate marketing topics on this website, as well, so feel free to check other articles about affiliate marketing here.
You can gain valuable knowledge from someone who has been in the business of affiliate marketing for years.
I thoroughly discuss how you can niche-down, build your affiliate marketing website, utilize platforms like YouTube and other social media channels, generate traffic and SEO (search engine optimization), how to make money using Amazon, and more.
I do write about a variety of topics about making legitimate money online, but I believe that affiliate marketing is the best. It is here to stay and it is one of the most profitable businesses in the future. You can read about the statistics here.
Why Should You Learn Affiliate Marketing?
With affiliate marketing, you don’t need to create your own product or work with demanding clients in an office. You have the freedom to work anywhere in the world and whenever you like.
All you have to do is to promote and sell other companies and people’s products and you must do so in an honest way.
Do not promote products that are crappy and don’t work. Few people may buy products that you recommend, but once you lose their trust, they won’t visit your website anymore. Thus, making a quick buck isn’t worth it. You must arm yourself with knowledge and skills to play the long game and make tons of passive income in the years to come.
Beware of Get-Rich-Quick Schemes
In the beginning of my affiliate marketer career, I also fell for get-rich-quick scams. With their massive and attractive marketing campaigns, it is easy to see why people fall for it.
That’s why, if someone offers you a course or program that allows you to gain large sums of cash for very little work, then you need to stay away from that person. Don’t fall for it.
The only people who get rich that way are those who sell those courses, not you.
Nothing beats hard work. Those people who tell the rags-to-riches stories or show you pictures of their supercars are completely bogus.
Unlike them, I’m just a simple guy who learned the best ways to make money online and ways that do not work.
This is why, on this website, I expose scams and other fake schemes of making money online opportunities.
I also recommend good programs, mentors, and websites that work well and help people make money.
You need to know that as you learn and start making an online presence, you won’t make a substantial amount of money in the first few months. Give yourself at least a year to make it big.
As I mentioned earlier, you need to work hard every single day. But rest assured that once you have established yourself in this business, you will make tons of passive income, which will be of great value for you in the future when you don’t have to work as hard as you did when you first started.
Invest in Your Business
Working as an affiliate marketer means that you now have your own online business. And therefore, you should start treating it as such.
You should get in the mindset of making worthwhile investments to grow your business. With affiliate marketing you must invest either your time or money, or both, in your own online business.
If you are starting a business but have no money, then you have limited options.
Most of the free stuff you get online can be misleading and unhelpful.
And if you don’t know what you are doing with affiliate marketing, then you’ll simply waste your time.
How to Learn Affiliate Marketing for Free
This is why you are lucky that Wealthy Affiliate offers the best solution. It provides a lot of education and guidance specifically designed for affiliate marketers.
You can start your affiliate marketing journey for absolutely free. You don’t need a credit card, unlike other sites.
You can sign up for a starter account for absolutely zero dollars. It is not a trial account. You use it for as long as you want to and it is sufficient to learn everything about affiliate marketing. You can sign up for a premium account later on, and it is worth it, but having the starter account is already enough for a beginner.
Wealthy Affiliate also offers introductory training like the Online Entrepreneur Certification Course, which teaches you how to pick a niche and how to promote products in that niche.
Moreover, they also give you Jaaxy – which is an SEO keyword tool specially designed for affiliate marketers like you and allows you to check the ranking of your website.
Additionally, the free WA account also includes the free Site Rubix Website Platform, which allows you to make your WordPress site in a few minutes.
You can test Site Rubix and build your free website below.
They will be also giving you free siterubix.com. domain. You can buy your domain. But if you don’t have the money now then you can continue with the free one.
When you create your website for Site Rubix, you will also receive 12 stunning design templates which you can use and modify to your liking.
Your website will also be protected with the top virus and malware protection, as free does not mean unprotected to WA.
In addition to the freebies that WA offers like the free website, website builder, keyword tool, etc. you also get web hosting free.
Later, as you expand your business and have the money to invest, I highly recommend buying your domain just like mine – bestofmakemoneyonline.com.
Not only does it show to other businesses how serious you are but it is like a prime real estate that, as time goes by, increases in value.
Also, you should upgrade to a premium WA membership as more specialized and advanced knowledge will be available for you there.
You should understand that if you want to make more money then you should also invest in the right products and services.
From my experience, finding a good place on how to learn affiliate marketing can be tricky. Some courses are ineffective and others are just too expensive.
That’s why I highly recommend Wealthy Affiliate. It is a great resource and offers training for affiliate marketing.
Find a Community and Good Mentors
Being surrounded by people who are on the same journey as you and knowing which ones to follow will make you a successful affiliate marketer.
As they say, if you want to be the best then you have to learn from the best. I’m living proof of this myself.
When I first started, I was unhappy with my day job. I was a school teacher. And to be one, you need to love teaching children, which I did not. I wanted to find something that I was interested in and that gave me freedom.
I wanted freedom and work wherever and whenever I wanted to.
I then became a Forex and stock trader and tried some get-rich-quick schemes too, which didn’t help me make money.
I was fortunate enough to meet a guy who taught me the basics of affiliate marketing. I paid him 300$ and he taught me Google Adwords, SEO and basic HTML.
This allowed me to make some money online. But I wasn’t making enough money that I wanted for my lifestyle.
This is when I discovered Wealthy Affiliate, and it completely changed my life.
It allowed me to make money by reviewing various products and services that helped people to decide which ones are worth buying and which ones are total wastes of money.
More importantly, I found community help and support in WA.
This will greatly impact your online business as you will learn from other people and who will readily share their wisdom and answer queries that you have.
They will happily give you advice. These individuals are successful because they are trained by the best, which is in my opinion – Wealthy Affiliate.
With the aid of these experienced marketers, you will find answers to your concerns quickly.
All you have to do is sign up and you will gain access to endless wisdom and the tools you need to have a successful online business.
I have full confidence in Wealthy Affiliate. I tried it myself and it’s amazing.
During your journey on how to learn affiliate marketing, don’t fall for scams.
In the beginning, hard work is all that you should focus on. Rest assured that all of your efforts won’t go to waste.
In the years that go by, you can decrease the amount of work and promotion that you do as you gain more traffic and generate more passive income.
You should also strive to find credible information. This site is a great example of a good resource. As someone who has successfully made a living through affiliate marketing, I will continue to share my knowledge.
Wealthy Affiliate is also the best affiliate marketing tool you can find online. It has everything that you will need in your online business with tons of free resources.
You can start for free and you can also avail of their premium offers which are more affordable compared to other sites.
Click Here to Learn More About Wealthy Affiliate
Thank you very much for this comprehensive article. You know these topics very well and I agree that affiliate marketing is the best way to make money online. I began investing in my business, like you said, when I signed up for wealthy affiliate. I decided to try paying for the premium membership and really give affiliate marketing a try.
So far I am towards the end of my first month, and I feel that I’ve gotten a lot of value out of it. My website is coming along very well. Your article is a good reminder for me to keep going because eventually my websites will start generating me an income.
Thank you for the comment and good luck to you. I hope you’re successful with your website.
I have heard a lot about affiliate marketing and I think this is the best way to begin my journey and career in the affiliate works. I have tried to read a lot of post online about becoming an affiliate marketer,but this particular review has not just gave me the basics and guide but also given nice and interesting steps to become better in the best constructive way it can be. With this motivating post I feel ready and hopeful to become a great marketer from this post. Thanks once more for this amazing post. Kudos!
Thank you for the comment and good luck!
Affiliate marketing is truly a great way to make money online. You own your own business and run things at your own time without having a boss to question your decision. There are many get rich quick platforms out there and where I was searching for a credible way to make money online, I encountered them but my instinct brought me to wealthy affiliate and this is my second month on the platform. It’s been really great and I receive a ton of help from the community. Wealthy affiliates benefits cannot be overemphasized and I agree that they are the best affiliate marketing platform out right now.
Thank you for the comment.
Chris the article is great and also highlights the options available for someone just starting out with no money to invest in an online business. I am also a wealthy affiliate user and believe that the resources available for the price is amazing. You get to have your site running on Amazon servers and can have up to 50 sites for the same cost a month. For anyone looking to get into affiliate Marketing Wealthy affiliate offers the best free and paid tools in one location.
Thank you for the comment Jane.
Hi Chris,
After reading your article, How to Learn Affiliate Marketing, I would immediately take you up on your offer of free, honest training, a free affiliate marketing Website with free Website and SEO tools, and an honest, supportive community of like-minded affiliate marketers—if I were not already a member of Wealthy Affiliate!
I very much appreciate your honesty and openness about your reason for leaving your earlier career. You provided a very unassuming, easy-to-read introduction to affiliate marketing that people who are hungry to become financially independent can believe and believe in for themselves. I don’t see how anyone could resist your very convincing argument for anyone interested in affiliate marketing to give Wealthy Affiliate a try, and a hint of why they might want to pursue a Premium membership. Thank you for offering hope to your site’s visitors.
Hi James,
Thank you for your very nice comment.